Apex 3 Blog
A blog to offer ideas, suggestions and techniques to turn around or fix troubled or failed IT projects

Seven Steps to Build Feasible Plans and Goals

by Mark Davison February 17. 2011 10:25
1. Brainstorm possible action steps
2. Group steps logically and order them chronologically
3. Go back over the list and ask “have I forgotten anything?”
4. Do initial estimates for each step - be reasonable for the first pass since you can always trim back later
5. Review the order of the tasks and re-order by importance/priority and time sequence
6. Identify checkpoints, milestones and deliverables where you can monitor the work being completed
7. Review and validate the draft plan with others - colleagues, managers, clients, etc.


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About Mark Davison

Mark Davison

After 25+ years of working on and leading projects primarily in IT, I'm establishing this blog to share knowledge, ideas, tips and techniques regarding how to turnaround and fix troubled and failed projects

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