Apex 3 Blog
A blog to offer ideas, suggestions and techniques to turn around or fix troubled or failed IT projects

Example Competency List for PMs in Troubled Situations

by Mark Davison February 3. 2011 13:37
Effective planning - define goals, plan what has to be achieved, and work out schedules so that right things are done in right order
Effective organization - define roles/responsibilities, decide what is required and who should do what
Effective direction - instruct, coordinate, motivate and lead others; communicate what has to be done, and get it done well
Effective controls - keep an eye on things to make sure that everything goes according to plan
Effective problemsolving - diagnose the causes of any problems or issues, identify possible solutions, weigh the pros and cons, choose the most sensible solutions
Effective decisionmaking - decide and act rather than letting things occur through hesitancy and inaction, keep others with a need to know fully informed, check results of decisions to assure desired outcome is attained
Effective meeting management - assure timely start, prevent participants from rambling or dominating, make sure everyone attending knows why they are there; utilize agendas; achieve your meeting objectives
Effective leadership - understand your role as a leader and facilitator, demonstrate fairness and firmness; gain trust in working with the client; lead the participants to work well together
Effective at handling conflict - demonstrate conflict management skills; remind other of overall objectives, play down differences and emphasize common interests among various parties, resolve conflict(s) in timely fashion
Cooperative attitude - go out of the way to cooperate


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Mark Davison

After 25+ years of working on and leading projects primarily in IT, I'm establishing this blog to share knowledge, ideas, tips and techniques regarding how to turnaround and fix troubled and failed projects

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